10 Tips Before Starting Therapy

10 Tips Before Starting Therapy

“I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner”

This is the most common thing I hear from the occupants of my couch is

Most people struggle with one issue or another for several months or even years before taking the steps to begin therapy.

To be honest, I get it!

It makes sense. We often feel that we should be able to deal with our issues on our own, either because a parent enforced this belief, or we don’t think anything we do will improve our situation.

The good thing is, that’s just not true. My favorite part of being a therapist is helping someone get to that ‘AH HA’ moment that comes with healing, changing and growing. So, I know it happens!

Actually, more often than not, people report feeling improved and better suited to manage life experiences after starting therapy, and it doesn’t take years.

Here are some tips on how to get started:

1. Start with you

Think about where you are right now and ask yourself some questions. Are you satisfied with your life or feeling lost and wondering if there is more for you? Do you feel stuck, repeating the same patterns? Do you worry about the small things, the big things?

Are you able to tackle the bumps that life throws at you or do you have trouble managing the roller coaster called life? Okay good! Now think about where you want to be in 5 years… 10 years. Do you think that there are any potential barriers that may prevent you from being the person you want to be?

If the answer is yes or maybe, then you’re in the right place! These potential barriers can become huge walls, get ahead of the game!

2. Do some soul searching

What do you think your struggling with and why? Although this may sound obvious, it’s not. If you are going through a hard time it might not be because of the reason you think it is, and that’s okay! That’s where I come in.

Sometimes there are many things we are dealing with – life is hard. Try to narrow it down to the biggest issue or concern and go from there.

3. False beliefs

If you’ve gotten this far, you probably feel like something in your life needs to change. So, what’s holding you back? We often have an idea in our mind about what therapy is, and I can tell you, it’s most likely WRONG! Very, very wrong.

Media, society and the scary stories from years ago do not realistically represent what therapy is like today. Therapy isn’t just for “crazy people”, my clients are all regular people who want to better themselves, who wouldn’t want to get on board with that!

Your therapist isn’t going to push medications on you; only certain situations warrant medication, and you have a say. ‘Nothing is wrong with me!’- if this is your thought, you are completely correct, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your life. ‘I don’t want to be told what to do.’ Woah, hold up!

No therapist is going to dictate your life. This is a joint effort, this is your journey, you have a say. Therefore, keep in mind that your therapist isn’t going to give you all the answers, you have to put in effort too.

4. Do some research

Pull up that search bar and look into what you’re going through.

You’re definitely not alone. Yes, we’re unique and complicated beings with individual experiences, but there may be someone just like you, and it’s always a good feeling to know that someone else has gone through what you are going through.

5.Explore your options

There are hundreds of different types of therapy techniques, it gets confusing and overwhelming. Don’t give up! Your therapist will use their experience and strengths to contribute to this experience, it’s not all on you!

But, sometimes it’s useful to have an idea of what would be helpful to you, your personality, experiences and values.

Do you need someone to challenge you and motivate you? Or do you prefer to receive support in a gentler way?

Do you have spiritual or cultural considerations that are important to you? If so, you may want to find a therapist to suit those needs. Either way, your therapist will adapt to your needs based on your situation.

6. Ask around

This is tricky, you might not be ready to talk to a friend or family member about this yet and that’s okay! You’re entitled to your privacy, but you may be surprised to find that many people you know may have been in therapy before, or still are. They are a great resource for you to better understand what to expect and answer some questions.

7. Picture it

Imagine yourself in a peaceful room, you’re sitting on a comfortable but firm couch, your feeling safe, secure, and you look up and across from you is…

Who do you see in your mind? A man? A woman? Older? Younger? Try to keep an open mind about this in your search for a therapist, but it is helpful to have an idea of your preferences.

8. Location

Are you more comfortable staying close to home or would you prefer to go a town over? No judgement in this, I can see the pros for both.

If you stay close to home you don’t need to worry about traffic, or an unfamiliar area and you may be more motivated to attend your sessions if there aren’t any extra barriers.

However, if you are concerned about your privacy or worried about running into your nosy neighbor, maybe consider the next town.

9. Evaluate your commitment

This is a big one! Each person enters therapy for different reasons and at different times, but success is determined by your motivation and commitment to therapy.

If you only go once a month, you’re most likely not accomplishing your goals. Make yourself a priority and give yourself time. Change doesn’t happen overnight.


Seriously, don’t wait, just do it. You have so much to gain. Life goes by so fast and it’s a waste to spend it waiting for things to get better on their own. You might even surprise yourself!

A friendly nudge

The greatest part about my role in your life, is that I get to see you do it. I get to witness your growth as you start a new chapter in your life; one of change, hope, and enrichment.

Hopefully this blog post has helped clear up some of your concerns about therapy. I know it’s a big step, maybe the biggest, most rewarding decision of your life.

Make that call, send that email and watch as the life you always wanted blooms right before you.

Take that first step now, make that call, send that email.

Reach out to us to get a head start on changing your thoughts and changing your life.



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